Monday 06/11/2023

The female can free everything with her touch. She frees up anger and lifts your sense of stability. And that's what one needs under such aggression. 

Monday 06/11/2023

The female can free everything with her touch. She frees up anger and lifts your sense of stability. And that's what one needs under such aggression. 

No arms, no jets, the gray sphere grows bigger and wider, and the Israeli monstrosity still has a strong grip over the whole world since October 7th. It's audacious, it's as clear as day..

Israel is much of a criminal as those Arab states watching the war take the lives of children today, like it did yesterday and the day before.. 

I lost the ability to explain and express…a nurse enters the corridor and lifts up the curtain to a young man's room, a young man who's lost his father, his sister and his sister in law. He holds his mattress and pulls it out of the corridor to offer to an injured person and the young man has been released from the hospital. 

Perhaps this scene conveys the harshness of what many families, who have left the North, go through here (in the South). Feelings are like a pavement, solid, and faces are smiling at times and frowning at others, angry at what's happening and helpless in the face if it. 

Crying has become a bad habit, everyone makes fun of whoever is arrested by their tears, because their own tears have dried out. 

All a human needs, in fact, is for a female to free everything. To first hold it in its complexity and knots and to undo and soften it in her hands, easy. And that's all I want because her voice is stronger than the sound of missiles and her language holds a bigger meaning than death. A female merely feeds you life.