Tuesday 10/10/2023

Good morning from in front of the window overlooking the garden of my house, filled with fallen dates on the ground...

Tuesday 10/10/2023

Good morning from in front of the window overlooking the garden of my house, filled with dates falling on the ground. My grandfather planted this palm tree many years ago. He passed away two years ago, at the age of 80, older than the occupation. I would have liked to say that my morning resembles the jasmine covering the house, but the sounds are enough to strip you of all emotions and fill your heart with fear. Children running into their mothers' arms, thinking that this wide embrace will protect them from the occupation's airplanes. If the stone was destroyed, what would a missile do to my mother's embrace!

First day:

Threatening all of the Gaza Strip with bombardment, then the occupation starts bombing indiscriminately without any mercy or warning. The occupation goes out in front of the world and tells them that they warn civilians before bombing their houses and they claim that whatever is bombarded is affiliated to the resistance, but the majority of those who have died were children and women, in their homes. Their only fault was that of being Palestinians. Today you will be killed in front of the world because you defend yourself.

Second day:

Those who lived, lived, and those who departed from us, died, but their memories remain. Another day of more monstrosity. The israeli army sends messages to Palestinians in Gaza telling them to go to the known shelters, and it announces to the world that it respects the boundaries of humanity, but what no one knows is that there are no shelters in Gaza. People go to the UNRWA schools, and the latter are attacked as well. The army orders people to go to the middle part of the Strip in the afternoon and at night time it starts bombing the middle area. In the night hours the army orders people in the middle area to exit their homes. What is this madness? What is this terror that it tries to instill into the hearts of children and mothers? 

Third day:

There is a weird smell. I feel like my lungs are going to explode at any moment. I feel strange pain all over  my body, and this means that we are being attacked with the internationally prohibited white phosphorus. The Israeli army is again asking the people of the Gaza Strip to leave to Egypt, while, at the same time, it is bombing  the Rafah crossing. No water, no electricity, no internet, and the  city center has been completely destroyed, where all people had their businesses. All aid has stopped and the world keeps its mouth shut in front of this fascism.

We are here to tell the world that you know that this is our right to defend ourselves, no matter how much you try to publicly  distort the image of the Palestinian  . This is our right since the zionist occupation started killing and displacing us in 1948, and stealing  our land. The leaders of the world know this, and they have also contributed to this occupation. Some of their people know, while others, the majority, are unaware and do not know the truth of the matter. However, this does not negate our right to self defense, no matter what.

The last thing I would like to say or what I could express is that my grandfather who planted the date trees in front of our home before he died, hadrefused to leave the house during every attack on the Gaza Strip. We, too, shall not forcibly  leave.