Wednesday 08/11/2023

I'm feeling some comfort, no headache, no bloodshot eyes, yesterday was the first night my whole body laid on a mattress.

Wednesday 08/11/2023

I'm feeling some comfort, no headache, no bloodshot eyes, yesterday was the first night my whole body laid on a mattress. Some days, I slept on the floor and others, half my body was on the floor and the other half on a mattress. The cold stings our bodies as if seeking revenge, as if we sold the chicken and didn't give them their share. 

My feelings are cold, bordering on a bit of warmth. Bombing in the distance disturbs the sense of calm I have from my restful night since October 27, the day the house was bombed on top of our heads. 

The cold is not the only thing stinging the people here, hunger does too. There's very little left in the shops. I went to buy canned beans and some cheese the other day but I couldn't find anyone to buy from. People bought everything. 

And because of that let me introduce myself again. My name is Esam and I'm from Gaza. We were forced out of Shaja'eyeh to Al Zaytoon where the house was bombed on top of our heads. We are now at the European hospital in khan Younis after my father's injury. There has been a shortage in water and electricity since the beginning, then a shortage in petrol, then an environmental crisis because of the number of martyrs who weren't buried. And now we're approaching hunger. 

Oh God, we believe in you ana what you've written for us, we know there's no way that can be avoided. We know that you are more compassionate towards children than their own mothers. We know that you reward those with patience and those who can't access it. Oh god, you who owns all strength, make this earth swallow us now so we (everyone on earth) can finally rest.