Sunday 15/10/2023

I’m not scared of death. If push comes to shove and a missile hits, I hope it’s relentless enough to leave nothing of me. Life is very fragile, and fear eats at it if you let it live within you, it festers like poison... 

Sunday 15/10/2023

I’m not scared of death. If push comes to shove and a missile hits, I hope it’s relentless enough to leave nothing of me. Life is very fragile, and fear eats at it if you let it live within you, it festers like poison. 

We don’t want to fight, we don’t like death, we hate the smell of blood, but that’s what the world has forced upon us. We will leave all our ideas with our allies. Everything we write, all the wishes we have released from our chests, suspended in conversation. 

Whoever survives needs to understand that the West, and many Arabs, don’t understand what’s happening to us, they don’t get the nuance of it. And so, I invite you to work on decolonizing your minds, as Arabs, and to start dusting our Arab minds, our Islamic minds. My invitation to you is to understand what mind and thought colonization is, and how wordplay is a big part of it. One mistranslated word, one misunderstood concept could blow our rights up to nothing. The countries that call for freedom of thought and expression are the very same (And first) countries to have stopped our people from standing with Gaza and Palestine. And they know, very well, that what’s happening here is because of them, because they planted Israel in the Middle East. 

We’ve witnessed a lot of death, and fear can no longer exist where death is. It is staying alive that scares us.