Saturday 14/10/2023

The whirlwind of displacement accompanies us every day in a new place, and just as Amer Halahleh said in the monodrama 'Tah' about the Palestinian displacement in 1948, '

Saturday 14/10/2023

The whirlwind of displacement accompanies us every day in a new place, and just as Amer Halahleh said in the monodrama 'Tah' about the Palestinian displacement in 1948, 'We eat, we drink, we sleep, but we don't want to eat, drink, or sleep; we want to go.' Tah returned from Lebanon to Palestine, even when the price of his return was his death.


After the Israeli army asked the residents of the Gaza Strip to move from the north to the south beyond the Gaza Valley, the situation intensified yesterday, and people went out, and we went out with them as the Israeli army ordered us. On the way, we were shelled. There were more than a hundred martyrs on a single route, and people were fleeing from death to God's heavens.


We reached a house in the south, and in our hearts, there was indescribable anger and sorrow. We sat on sponge seats, and after a while, I said loudly, ‘I had it up to here - and I pointed to my nose- I am going back home' My mother said in 1948, 'Whoever stayed are still there till this moment and didn't leave, the army’s goal was to terrify them.'


In the morning, we returned home. We are now trying to get a liter of gasoline to power the generator to fill water and charge the batteries so we can stay connected with the world and know what's happening around us. 


The station owner told us with cold blood, 'I've been ordered not to sell gasoline.' We returned home in the area of Zaitoun, to my aunt's house near al-Shujai’e. Perhaps we will lose contact entirely this time, but we will not leave our house. We will either die or stay in our house.