Monday 04/12/2023
It is as if my heart is a story woven by an elderly woman who is telling the story of the entire house from the kitchen to the living room to the bedrooms.
It is as if my heart is a story woven by an elderly woman who is telling the story of the entire house from the kitchen to the living room to the bedrooms.
Muchos de los residentes de Khan Yunis dentro del Hospital Europeo regresaron a sus hogares durante el alto el fuego, y sólo la gente del norte permaneció en las carpas.
Many of the residents of Khan Yunis inside the European Hospital returned to their homes during the ceasefire, and only the people of the north remained in the tents.
Un día tranquilo y duro. Desde la primera hora de la mañana sólo podemos escuchar el ruido de algunos cohetes cayendo sobre nuestras cabezas.
A quiet and harsh day. Since the early morning, we can only hear the sounds of some rockets falling on our heads. It is a normal day in an abnormal place. A day that reminds us of our old routines. Friends came to visit my father, then we ate together
To Said, Hadil’s husband who used to encroach on the silence of any place with his fast words and thick humor aimed at everyone around him.