Saturday 14/10/2023

Yesterday we moved from Al Zaytoon (neighborhood) to Deir Al Balah - there’s a flood of people moving from the North to the South, just like the Israelis had ordered them...

Saturday 14/10/2023

Yesterday we moved from Al Zaytoon (neighborhood) to Deir Al Balah - there’s a flood of people moving from the North to the South, just like the Israelis had ordered them. As they were leaving, they (the occupation army) bombed them, I saw the cars burn in front of our eyes. Body parts everywhere. 

We spent one night in Deir Al Balah and returned to Al Zaytoon, next to Al Shajaeieh, at my aunt’s. That’s when we decided to not move again, even if they tear the house down with us inside it. Enough is enough. 

They forced my grandmother to leave Al Nasr to Al Zaytoon at 10 pm, walking. That’s a distance of 6 kilometers, my grandmother is disabled - she was injured even further. I sat next to her, kissed her hand and told her that I write so the world knows the truth. I couldn’t take it, I cried.